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To Transfer Your Homestead into Trust or Not?
Many Floridians establish Living/Revocable Trusts to transfer their homestead to their beneficiaries at death. However, many are unaware...

Issues with Foreign Beneficiaries and U.S. Estate Plans
Recently, we served as a legal advisor to a woman, let's call her Carmen for ease of reference, who lives in Israel but has property and...

Partnerships - 101
If you start a business in Florida with multiple people without any type of formal registration with the state, you may have created a...

Did you know? - Insight into Limited Liability Companies
One of the main draws of an LLC is that it may limit its members and managers liability to what is in the company. However, the...

How to Make Your Website Comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act
Since its enactment in 1990, the Americans with Disability Act (“ADA”) requires businesses to make accommodations for people with...

To Open with the Single-Member LLC or Not to Open a Single Member LLC, that is the question.
Protecting your personal assets is a key component of creating a Limited Liability Company ("LLC"), among several other tax advantages if...
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