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Guide to Starting Your Own Business
Opening your own business is an exciting journey but I caution you, the path to business formation and government compliance is looted...

Guide to Estate Planning for Millennials
You may be thinking that because you are not married, do not have children, do not earn $100,000, and do not have assets sitting in...

Importance of a Business Continuity Plan
Pitfalls of Not Having a Buy-Sell Agreement As we all know, unfortunate events can and will occur in the course of owning and running a...

4 Estate Planning Documents You Need
Living Trust Will / Nomination of Guardian Durable Power of Attorney Advance Health Care Directive You may be wondering: what are these...

7 Tips for People About to Retire
If you are planning to retire soon, here are 7 things you need to consider before you take the plunge: Are you fully vested in your...

The Business Owner's Guide to Asset Protection
Asset protection is about protecting the “things” you’ve worked your lifetime to accumulate. It may sound easy but yet many people don’t...

What Does the New Tax Bill Mean For You?
As the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, introduced on November 2, 2017, makes it was through the Senate today for a final vote* before heading to...

What Property Goes Through Probate, Anyways?
A lot of clients have come to me recently with concerns about the costly and time-consuming headache that probate may create for their...

Why New Parents should have an Estate Plan
While you prepare the nursery, make day care arrangements, and buy new baby clothes, your estate plan may be the last thing on the list...

To Draft a Will or Living Trust... That Is The Question
I am often put in the position to counsel clients on whether it is better to have a Last Will and Testament or a Living Trust to dispose...
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